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02 March 2012

I'm Back...

I am unsure how many people out there in this big world noticed, but I've been gone for a while. In June 2011, I quit my job of 3 years due to some rather nasty and demeaning work conditions that I personally could not justify taking a moment longer. So, I quit. I filed for unemployment to help until I found another job. I was initially denied, but petitioned that the work conditions left me no other option but to quit, and had a hearing in front of a "judge" to prove myself. At that hearing, my employer did not show up but instead sent their lawyer (who is the son of the owner/Doctor in charge of the medical practice I worked at) to "beat me up in front of the judge". At that hearing, the lawyer pulled out a large binder and opened it up to a few bookmarked pages and asked me to read from them--the binder was my entire blog, pictures and all, printed out page by page, in color. I had to read from posts that I wrote while still employed that he felt implied that I had been planning on quitting the entire spring, and that I quit solely to go on my vacation to the Outer Banks with Josh (which happened to be the week following me quitting my job). It Was CREEPY. It bothered me enough that I just stopped blogging on here. I mean, really, EW.
However, so much has gone on in the past 9 months that I should have been blogging about. My life has had some serious ups and downs in that amount of time; things have changed drastically in so many many ways. I realized at a few points that I should totally be blogging about it all, but never got around to it. Then, on Wednesday of this week, (which happened to be Leap Day so the bad day shouldn't have even existed!) I was having a bad day--nothing in particular was really wrong but I was on the verge of having a real full-blown temper tantrum on my living room floor, bawling my eyes out, kicking my legs, pounding my fists into the floor, screaming at the top of my lungs in between breaths...and my sister-in-law Jenny texted me to see what was wrong. It was then that I realized that it was both nothing really and a whole lot of everything that I haven't been able to get out of myself or off my chest in a really long time. She suggested I start blogging again...and I realized yes, that is the answer right now. I love writing, I am usually better at putting it all down on "paper" than putting it out in words or physical expressions. I really want to take a kick-boxing class to get the angry parts out, but that isn't in my very near future right now, so this will suffice.
So, I am back.
I don't care who is reading this; if those Shrews I worked for are still reading this, or their Mole Lawyer, or that evil Wicked Witch who drove me to quit my job is reading this too, FINE. GOOD FOR YOU. I'm glad that my life is of so much interest to you; I'll just take it that YOUR personal life sucks that much that you need to look in on what this 29 year-old has going on to feel alive. :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you are back! I hope that you find our outlet in blogging. I support you 100%. Love you :-)
