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09 May 2012

Pregnant Workout 5.09.12

Walked at work on my half hour break.

Time: 25 minutes 15 seconds
Dist: 1.56 miles

The weather was PERFECT for walking today! When I stepped outside I thought I could almost use a sweatshirt right now...and that is the perfect temperature for going for a walk or a run! :)
I had some issues at the beginning of my second lap--I got some cramping in my lower abdomen on the left side. I really felt like a stitch or cramp from running a prolonged amount of time. I thought it would be a perfect time to practice my breathing through the nose 4 counts, out through the mouth 4 counts, breathe breathe breathe...and it worked! The cramp went away and the rest of my walk went along without any issues. :)
I'm about to head out for a Breastfeeding Basics class now. Hoping that it's enlightening and very informative...because I have no clue what's going on!!! :)

08 May 2012

Pregnant Workout 5.08.12

Walked at work on my half hour break.

Time: 25 minutes 08 seconds
Dist: 1.56 miles

Today was a little painful. I think I spent a lot of energy and muscle power organizing a spare room last night. (It's full of my clothes and craft and sewing's not even remotely feasible to make this into a nursery at this point...I'm just trying to make room for all the baby stuff to be stored in here as well.) My feet ache a bit, as does my lower back. I know it's due to the extra weight I'm carrying around and the huge bump I'm sporting on my front side...but the walking must happen so long as I can walk! The end is nearing...and there's so much left to do...sigh.

07 May 2012

Pregnant Workout 5.07.12

Walked at work on my half hour break.

Time: 25 minutes 04 seconds
Dist: 1.56 miles

The rain passed after I got into work today, and held off to allow me to get my walk in! In fact, the sun is peaking out now. Weird...we were supposed to have storms all day long, getting stronger tonight. Oh well, I am not complaining. I spent all weekend mowing most of my 4.5 acre lawn...the rain makes the grass grow all too quickly! Tomorrow I'm sure it'll look like I didn't do a darn thing. *Sigh*
The walk today felt great! I'm feeling pretty good for a woman carrying around a watermelon inside her abdomen! :) (according to my baby bump app, Baby Boy is officially watermelon sized now!) Other than that, I notice more and more that my walk is more of a waddle. I must look funny...oh well. I feel healthy, so the heck with how I look. :)

04 May 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1.  My bedtime routine includes putting all the dogs out "to go potty" and then putting them to bed in their crates, taking my vitamins with a large glass of water, washing my face, taking out contacts, brushing my teeth and flossing, climbing into bed with Josh and the spoiled dog Cash, watching the evening news while checking up on Facebook, kissing Josh goodnight, and finally situating myself amongst my nest of 12 pillows. :)

2.   I am feeling fat and panicked! My status is "watermelon" right now (the size of Baby J in the womb), and my house is a disaster area. I'm in the midst of cleaning and organizing everything and trying to find everything a place. If only that stupid house had been done in time...sigh. 

3.  I can't stand liars because I think everyone deserves the truth all of the time, no matter what. Sooner or later the truth will come out anyhow, so it's best to say it from the start. 

4. My idea of relaxation would be a soak in a hot tub, followed by an hour-long massage, manicure and pedicure with a glass of wine, and a nap on a hammock in the shade on a sunny day. OR sitting on a beach chair on a white-sand beach with my toes in the water and a bottomless fruity drink in my hand. 

5. If I had an extra $50, I would buy something we still need for Baby J. Or a bottle of nice wine. Depends on what store I'm closer to. :)

6. The best thing about a bloggy friend is hmm...the fact that I'm writing my life on here, no holds barred, the best and the worst, and someone out there knows exactly how I'm feeling and what I'm going through, and doesn't judge me like some of my real-life "friends" do. 

7.  A recipe I've been dying to try is Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries. I have a Girl's Night that I am planning to attend on Friday this is definitely a good opportunity to try out this recipe! I'd have to double it, of course...Josh would absolutely love them!! :)

03 May 2012

Pregnant Workout 5.03.12

Walked at work on my half hour break.

Time: 25 minutes 14 seconds
Dist: 1.56 miles

Today was even hotter than yesterday. And so stinkin' muggy. UGH. But I made it around all 3 laps, and in good time too! It was not comfortable though. Not at all. Between the mugginess and my pelvic pains, I think I just walked faster to get it all over with! The pelvic pains, I am assured, are normal and not at all unusual or anything to worry about. It's caused by Baby J's head putting pressure on my pelvic cavity and stretching out all the ligaments and making room down in there for his (ginormous) head. Sometimes the pains are pretty severe, like doubling me over in pain and taking my breath away, other times it's just a nagging dull pain, and still other times I don't feel anything at all! I suppose it's all just getting me ready for labor one way or another. Just about 4 weeks till he makes his debut...if not less! But I'm going to keep up the walking until I can't anymore. For my health and for the sake of making it back to a reasonable weight in a decent amount of time post-partum! :)

02 May 2012

Pregnant Workout 5.02.12

Walked at work on my half hour break.

Time: 25 minutes 27 seconds
Dist: 1.56 miles

Felt great! It was a little warm today, but the walk went well! No pains! :)

01 May 2012

Pregnant Workout 5.01.12

Walked at work on my half hour break.

Time: 25 minutes 46 seconds
Dist: 1.56 miles

Today I had the company of two little girls (ages 6 and 8) on my walk. They rode their bikes around the loop while I walked. I felt better today than I did yesterday, so that's a plus. And the weather held off long enough for me to get the entire walk in...I wasn't entirely sure that it was going to when I started out!
I'm dreadfully tired today...maybe more so than yesterday. The lack of sleep is killing me right now...I was hoping to catch up on as much sleep in this last month as humanly possible in preparation for the sleeplessness that will be my life once Baby J arrives...but no such luck. :( *sigh*  Exercise is supposed to help, right?? Here's hoping...