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27 May 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. If I could get away somewhere for the weekend I would go someplace warm, sunny, and sandy down south...maybe Myrtle Beach or Destin, FL, and I would bring Josh, flip flops, swim suits, a lawn chair, towel, and a cooler. I would NOT leave the beach!!

2. Something I often rant about is people living off of welfare who have nicer things than me, but have no teeth and no sense of hygiene and do not care for the multiple children they keep popping out. YOU'RE WELCOME.

3. One item I need to have in my fridge at all time is milk. Or Beer. I'll stick with milk.

4. My "life-saving" product is nail clippers and chap stick.

5. A friend is someone who is sitting next to you in jail, saying "That was one hell of a time!" but will probably remind you not to do that again next time around...

6. If I could write my own blank it would be "I would rather be ______ than ______".

7. My favorite kind of art is abstract art, or photography. I enjoy when art can be interpreted in different ways by different eyes; it is enlightening and refreshing! And I love photography...I love that it is a moment in time captured forever. A photography can reveal so much, and leave so much to the imagination at the same time. I love photos...

26 May 2011

Thursday's Thankfuls

Today I am thankful for the gorgeous green grass, the warm beautiful sunshine, and the fact that I finally got through mowing most of the yard directly around the house so that it looks like someone actually lives there!!

I am also thankful that tonight is the last night I have to go to bed without Josh for a while...he's been out of town all week for work, and he comes home tomorrow!!! I can't wait to sleep through the entire night and be cuddled!! :-)

24 May 2011

Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Reasons I Love My Sissy!

(Her birthday is this Friday, so tribute to the Kelly!)

1. She is my best friend.

2. She is so much fun to be around.

3. Margarita nights at our "favorite bar" with our favorite bartenders.

4. We each know what the other is talking about when we say "You know that thing, with that other thing, that one time?"

5. We fight like cats and dogs, but hug and make up in the morning.

6. She's always there for me when I need someone to talk to/bitch to/cry to/anytime.

7. She's amusing. ;-)

8. She's got my back in any situation. Even if having my back means arguing against me because she knows that what I am doing is not in my best interest...she's pretty awesome at all of that!

9. She knows me better than anyone else does, and thank God for that, because someone needs to know what is going on in my head sometimes!

10. There is no one else (except my husband) who I would rather do anything with! She's always the first one I call to do something with or hang out with.

20 May 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. People always tell me I look like a Fuhrer. Makes Mom was/is a Fuhrer. She's a good-lookin' lady; I hope I age as well as she's aging!

2. Friends don't let friends go about the day with stuff in their teeth or a smudge on their face or a tag sticking out or some hairs out of place. I guess that can be summed up to they don't let friends go around looking completely goofy!

3. A sunny day is perfect for doing absolutely anything outside. I prefer to rollerblade, mow the grass, play with my dogs, and bask in the sun. :-)

4. My favourite accessory is my wedding band/engagement band combo with my diamond earrings and my 550 cord bracelets my sister made me.

5. If I could afford it, I would travel lots more. I mean, TONS more. I LOVE TO TRAVEL!

6. The cure for boredom is me! Nothing's ever boring with me around... ;-) When I'm bored, I savor the downtime and look forward to the next crazy thing. Or, I read.

7. I am currently 'in like' with Initial's Inc. stuff!! And the color pink in all it's beautiful shades. :-)

19 May 2011

Thursday's Thankfuls

Today I am thankful for...

She is SOOOO MEAN! Haha. But she is going to kick my ass back into shape! Doing the workout 2 times daily when possible: at least each morning, and in the evening when it can fit into my schedule. :-) Gotta get in swim suit shape by June!!!

17 May 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Reasons Why I Don't Care!

1. You are too judgemental. And NOT just with me, but with others you call "friend" and others around you. Remember, pointing one finger at me means there are 3 more pointing right back at you. If you think you are perfect, look in the mirror again. You are sadly mistaken.

2. You were obviously never a real friend to begin with. Real friends don't "decide" that they aren't going to be life-long friends, when nothing tragic happened and no talking about the "issues" ever took place. Real friends talk it out and hug it out. Real friends may grow apart in many ways, but they remain friends, even if not BFF's anymore. I have a few Real Friends, so I would know about this. I really thought you were one of them, I guess my heart is bigger.

3. You ruined all my wedding pictures. I want to send the disc of all my pictures back to my photographer and have her edit you out, and send the bill to you!

4. You say that you knew you were no longer going to be friends with me at my rehearsal dinner, but still decided to be a part in the happiest day of my life. In doing so, you tainted the best day of my life thus far, and, as mentioned above, ruined my pictures. I would have preferred you just left that night and not been part of my wedding party at all!! Thanks for that amount of respect (Dripping Sarcasm).

5. For how judgemental you are with everyone else, you never told me you were mad at me or that I did anything wrong. NEVER. Was I to assume I had ruined so many parts of your life? You didn't ever have a sit-down with me to discuss my drinking problem and how it affects you or others, you didn't ever have an "intervention", you didn't talk to me about any of it! You would have if it had been any of the other girls, but not with me? So, again, I guess we never were friends to begin with. I would have listened to you and cried with you and tried so hard to make sure that I never hurt anyone else in those ways ever again. Thanks for the chance.

6. You accused me of not caring about where my dogs were at my rehearsal dinner and only trying to get drunk. NOT TRUE. Those dogs are like my children, I knew where they were at most all times. They were fine. They have been at that house and yard many times before and know the area. Also, I was not getting drunk. Some of the guys were, yes, and I was drinking, yes, but I was NOT getting drunk. If you had something on your mind about this, why didn't you pull me aside and talk to me about it? I was out-of-my-mind sick with worry that something was wrong with Josh. He was acting weird toward me, and I thought he was getting cold feet or having second thoughts. I was so upset over it, with no one noticing, and I was trying to keep it cool and not panic or cause a scene or cry. I didn't know a couple of beers was out-of-control at my rehearsal dinner.

7. You have the same two tattoos on your same foot as me. I loathe and despise that. I am getting a new tattoo so I don't have to look at that anymore.

8. YOU stopped calling ME after my wedding. I had my honeymoon to plan and go on, and on top of that I had to deal with serious health issues with Josh's mother right before the trip, issues during the entire trip, and right after that there was a very critical surgery and complications, and even now this is continuing to be a stressor in my life. So excuse me for not calling you lots during that time. I would have loved time with my girlfriends during all this, and loved to see you when you came to town. But YOU never let me know when you were coming into town. I heard from the other girls about you being in town the day before you were due in. That hurt a lot. So you stopped caring right after you walked down my fucking aisle. NICE.

9. You really said to me "Everyone else always drops everything that they are doing when I come into town so that they can see me". I don't know if I have ever heard a much more conceited comment than that from a "normal person". And it was brought on because I went to a birthday party for another friend rather than spending an evening with you at Jamie's house. See above complaint. Had I KNOWN about you coming into town more than 1 day prior to the visit, I could have made arrangements to make it in there to spend time with you. But, I didn't know. So I didn't "drop everything" when I found out, because you didn't care enough to let me know you were coming into town. Sorry.

10. You hurt me worse than anyone else ever has before. The worst part is knowing that if you wanted to talk to me, I would talk to you and try to salvage any kind of a friendship that we could possibly have again, because I do love you deeply and completely. But I know your pride will never let that happen. And I know we will never be friends again. And that is why I DO NOT CARE ANYMORE.

13 May 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. If I had to use 3 words to describe why I am undoubtedly a Brown they would be hard-working, slightly OCD, fiercely-loyal.

2. Something that happened to me in life that initially seemed bad but turned out to be good was my health scare that made me move back home for a time. I was going to leave again, get out of this small town, but I reconnected with Josh (we knew each other in high school but never were friends or hung out) through mutual friends, and began dating. We both knew it was going to last, and I ended my search for anything else. I found my best friend, my rock, the love of my life...all because I had to move home for a little while. :-)

3. Something I inherited from my mom is my ability to forgive, let go, and just love. Unconditional love. And determination.

4. Something I inherited from my dad is my temper, my neurotic tendencies, my slightly OCD tendencies, my restlessness, and a good work ethic.

5. My goal for this summer is to keep up with mowing the yard, keep up with weeding my gardens, grow a fantastic vegetable garden with lots of produce, and learn how to can all the wonderful veggies we take out of the garden!

6. The best thing about this week is that Friday finally came? I don't know. I am trying to find the silver lining, but it's eluding me now...The week began with the horrible news of a young man's life cut far too short, a guy who was just sweet and kind and fun to be around, and then the viewings and service...too much sadness and wondering why. is Margarita and Mary Kay night at Andy's house! I am looking forward to the fun!

7. Something I couldn't give up if I tried is sex, music, my Blackberry, and writing. :-)

12 May 2011

Thursday's Thankfuls

Today I am so very thankful for family, good dear friends, and fantastic memories.

R.I.P. Bubba Besonson.

09 May 2011

Miscellany Monday

Our good friends Brandon, Mike, and Brian of Small Town Rollers play there each month on the first Friday evening, beginning at 6pm. It's a great place, with fantastic beer, and awesome music! I suggest everyone head down sometime!


This was the first really nice weekend of the spring, and I spent the first day in bed! Literally, all day Saturday I was in bed with a migraine, double vision, nausea, and chills. I never did vomit or have diarrhea, thank goodness, but I slept until 5pm, and when I finally got up I went straight to the couch! So my Saturday was a fail! At least it wasn't self-inflicted...those days are past! :-)


As a result of the major fail of my Saturday and only being able to make it to my couch, I did end up watching the NASCAR race--Darlington 500. And, as I had slept all day long, I was able to watch the race in it's entirety---up through midnight. AND consequently--falling in love with Kevin Harvick! I hope he landed a punch or two to Kyle Busch's face. I loathe Busch...GO HARVICK!!!! (His wife is feisty too...maybe she got to bitch-slap Kyle!)


Fabulous Mother's Day!! Started out early with the hubby mowing some of the lawn (first haircut for the lawn this year! woo hoo!) and me getting some laundry done. Then it was off to Bertrand's Bistro for brunch with the family! Kelly was finally able to make it to a Mother's Day festivity with our Mama! The brunch was fantastic, as always! My Dad really seemed to enjoy it, and he's picky to please, so that was awesome! My silly mother, though, paid for the entire thing, only letting us leave the tip. She's sneaky, so we didn't stand a chance. Boo!
After that, Josh and I went to Select Specialty Hospital to visit his mother. She's been fighting to get better since just after our wedding (so almost 6 months now). She has good and bad days, but yesterday seemed like a good one! When we got there, she had just got her lunch, and it looked kinda miserable, so we asked if she would like anything else. She decided on Wendy's, so we went and got her a bacon cheeseburger and fries. She ate the fries down quickly and was looking forward to the burger after the nurse re-heated it. It was good to see her eat something at least! (She's been battling with eating anything solid for a while...).
Then it was to PetSmart to price some outdoor kennels and electric fencing for the fuzzy children, and home to finish up the front yard mowing. I played ball with the dogs while Josh mowed, then we planted two oak trees in the backyard before calling it a night. We ate some dinner and cuddled up on the couch to watch Animation Domination on Fox. (Our favorite way to end a weekend!)

06 May 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. What I love most about my home is, so this is what we are doing today? Fighting?? I hate the home I am in now because it's falling apart! And I am PATIENTLY waiting for our new house to be completed! But, if I did have to pick, I'd say JOSH! I love having a home with him and our fuzzy children. I love the pellet stove, and my TV.

2. I'm excited because I get to leave work early on this wonderful Friday!!

3. My preferred method for blowing off steam when I'm frustrated is going for a walk or to the gym with my co-worker/friend Andy and venting. Or rollerblading. Then going home and venting a tad more, but Josh usually doesn't get the brunt of it!

4. Currently I am craving some quality time on a warm, sunny beach with my husband and a margarita!

5. The thing I love most about my mom is everything! She did such an awesome job as a mother raising her two daughters. She made us breakfast every single day, even if she wasn't feeling well. She packed my lunch every single day. She was at every single sporting event of my school career, rain or shine or sleet or snow. She didn't let me stay out all night or go to the mall all day. Somehow, she put up with me with the patience of a Saint when I was a devil child with a snake's tongue. I love her more than I can ever let her know, and I owe her such a huge debt of gratitude!!! :-)

6. If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be Come Along for the Ride...Destination Unknown. (Andy suggests Run Like Hell...haha!)

7. If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be pickles and cheese. Don't judge. Yum!

05 May 2011

Thursday's Thankfuls....

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Today, I have to be thankful for Corona and Tequila!! :-)
I cannot wait to get out of this office and have a nice cold Margarita!

03 May 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Well, it's May!! Can't believe it is here already! But, seriously, this rain needs to cease. It was endless rain in April, meaning I am definitely ready for all the sunshine and May Flowers now!!! I stumbled upon this Top Ten Tuesday's, and liked it, and hope it will get me to keep up with this blog throughout the week! Taking ideas for Monday's and Thursday's now, as well anything good for the weekend days that could entice me to log on during the weekends! So, without further ado, here is my first Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Things To Accomplish this May

1. Get a new tattoo! (or maybe a few...hehe!)

2. Clean the two spare bedrooms in the house, getting rid of anything we have not used in the 5 years we have been together.

3. Plant a vegetable garden (this is stop raining!)

4. Detail the inside of my Jeep, Hector. (and hopefully Simon Subaru at the same time!)

5. Get Elin (the golden-doodle) groomed.

6. Get my sister a birthday present on time for once!!!

7. Pedicure on my toes at the end of the month with the Sissy again.

8. Exercise every day (either at the gym, or walk for an hour each day).

9. Lose 5 lbs (hopefully as a result of #8!)

10. Use the Fine Dining Card at least twice this month (I don't think we used it in April?)