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30 June 2011

Day 30: Self-Portrait

Day 30 is here already! The last full day of our OBX vacation; the last visit to the 4x4 Beaches in Corolla. I know it's not a pic of just me, but it is of a "complete" me!! (Cheesy, I know, but Josh does complete me!)

Day 30 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! Whew!

29 June 2011

Day 29: Black and White

I stayed in the Explorer while Josh went into the Food-O-Rama to get some more adult beverages, and this guy came right over, thinking I was going to feed him. But, he's black and white!!! Damn seagulls! :-)

Day 29 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (and annoying...ugh!)

28 June 2011

Day 28: Flowers

Pretty Tiger Lily picture that Josh captured near the base of one of the lighthouses we visited in OBX! They were so fragrant too! Just Gorgeous! :-) Josh is such a good photographer too...:-)

Day 28 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (and gorgeous!)

27 June 2011

Day 27: From a Distance

In the center, in the far distance, is the Ocracoke Lighthouse. We drove through the tiny town (think: golf carts and bikes are better to use in this town than actual cars, it's so congested and tight!) and missed the road to the lighthouse. We stopped at a visitors center and sighted it across the little bay. Unsure if we would actually find it, I snapped a picture from the car! We did end up finding it, and it was certainly tiny like the little town, with a tiny parking spot for only 5 cars, and it was filled with--what else--golf carts! Oh well...but here it is "from a distance"!

Day 27 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

26 June 2011

Day 26: Close-Up

This one was accidental, but works out for what I need for today's post! Josh and I were on a Sunset Cruise on the Downeast Rover out of Manteo, NC. It was phenomenal! We got to take a cooler aboard and drink and feel the breeze in our faces while sailing on the Roanoke Sound. We had a good Captain and First Mate telling us stories, and even got to see some dolphins! And, of course, the Sunset Cruise lived up to its name, giving us one hellofa show! :-)
This pic was accidental because I had zoomed in for a picture of the shoreline, and forgot to zoom out before trying to take a "self-portrait" of myself and Josh. Oh well, we've got good looking eyes and smiles! :-)

Day 26 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (and cute, if I do say so!)

25 June 2011

Day 25: Something Pink

This one is a cheat too...I spent all day Saturday the 25th traveling from Erie, PA to Manteo, NC. I packed my camera away, and ended up sleeping a lot of the trip anyhow! Aside from that, I am rather decidedly "ungirly" and lack in the pink department, sadly! I prefer blue almost all the time! But, this picture is from our first night of vacation in OBX...the sunset was just gorgeous! And, it was PINK! :-)

Day 25 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (and breathtaking!)

24 June 2011

Day 24: Animal

Cash, Bertie, and Elin, all lounging while I pack! Couldn't get Daphne to keep still. She was pouting, I am pretty sure! :-)

Day 24 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (and Furry!)

Fill in the Blank Friday!!!

1. The last thing I ate was a ham and cheese sandwich on honey oat bread. Josh wasn't home for dinner, and I didn't feel like cooking!

2. The next thing I'd like to eat is a bagel with Nutella. Mmm.

3. The best things are to love and be loved. I live to love my husband, my doggies, my family...and there is nothing like knowing you are loved back by them just as much. :-)

4. Something that makes me supremely and utterly happy is making an amazing meal or dish or dessert, having everyone thoroughly enjoy it to the last drop, and then getting asked for the recipe or my secret to making it. I don't cook all that often, but when I do, it does come out pretty amazing!!

5. Sports are awesome!!! Josh and I both love sports, all sports, any sports! Thank goodness too, because I don't think I could deal with a man who doesn't love to watch football on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, or who cannot stand the thought of watching soccer or the Olympics when they are on TV here (no cable or satellite, so it's hit and miss...). Anything sports (almost) and I will watch it! And if possible I will actually participate in the sport too! (Love pick-up games or going out for a day of hunting or fishing or kayaking...or evening of spotting so my hunny can bring home a big buck!) Sports...EFF YEA!!!!

6. I miss simplicity. Summers hanging out with friends with no real work scheduled. My hubby...we don't get enough "alone time"...things are too busy anymore.

7. Right now I am looking forward to leaving tomorrow for our vacation in the OBX!!!! I cannot wait for some alone time with the hubby, and some beach time!!! I just cannot wait for an adventure! :-)

23 June 2011

Day 23: Sunflare

Another stolen from 6.06.11...I took a few good pics that day! :-)

Day 23 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Stolen, but Complete!

22 June 2011

Day 22: Hands

I stand with my hands on my hips a lot, even though the habit was broken for awhile when I was in ROTC. I try not to do it...but I do love looking down and seeing my rings "BLING" in the sunshine on this hand! Can't wait for another band to add to it! :-)

Day 22 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (and shiny!)

21 June 2011

Day 21: Faceless Self-Portrait

I kinda like my feet. :-)
(This was an attempt at Bokeh earlier, it didn't work, I tried again, still just a pic of my feet, so it goes in here!)
Not an entire Self-Portrait, but it still counts!!

Day 21 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

20 June 2011

Day 20: Bokeh

Ok, not gonna lie, I did not take this picture on 6.20.11. I took it back on 6.06.11 for "From a Low Angle". I tried taking a few others pics for "Bokeh" and none of them turned out as nicely as this one did. I will keep trying and hopefully get it down--it's a nice photographic tool to know how to use!

So...Day 20 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Done...even if it is "kinda cheating!" ;-)

19 June 2011

Day 19: Something Orange

Today is Father's Day, so we went to my parent's house for a little cook-out! We made hotdogs on the fire...which is Orange! Worked out well! :-)

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!!!

Day 19 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (And warm!)

17 June 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. The last movie I saw was
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

2. I want to eat Chinese food for dinner tonight.

3. Surprises are meant to be fun, and are usually in good taste, but I generally do not like surprises. The only kind I like are flowers from Josh for no apparent reason sitting on the counter or coffee table when I get home.

4. The best accessory is subtly understated but eye-catching. Like a good pair of sandals or earrings.

5. My favorite warm drink is a regular latte. I don't drink them much, though...I tend to prefer black coffee on a daily basis.

6. My favorite cold drink is plain ice water! I diverge from my regular path on occasion: raspberry Ginger Ale when I am feeling ucky, a cold Bud Light on the weekends, and a regular margarita when I am out with my sister. :-)

Currently loving having more time at home!!! Panicking slightly about some things, but overall I am so much happier with life right now! And, I CANNOT WAIT for vacation to begin next Saturday!!! OBX with my baby!!! :-)

Day 17: Technology

My Mac may be a bit old ('05 model, so maybe ancient by computer standards!) but she gets all the jobs done that I ask of her! We use her a LOT to look up the that's another form of technology on Mac's screen there! :=)

Day 17 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

16 June 2011

Day 16: Long Exposure

This is a photo of traffic at night...I kinda really love it!

Day 16 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Done!

15 June 2011

Day 15: Silhouette

It turned out a bit darker than I intended, but it's there! It's looking northwest, toward the sunset, with a storm coming in...the silhouette is of the big tree out front and the treeline across the road.

Day 15 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

14 June 2011

Day 14: Eyes

Self-explanatory, I hope. They are a little greener today than normal...hmm!

Day 14 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

13 June 2011

Day 13: Yourself with 13 Things

This picture was one of the harder ones for me to take; I couldn't find a good place to get a good picture with 13 things. But, I did it! I guess everything here has importance in my life...some more than others. It as fun walking around grabbing things I wanted in the picture! Can you name all 13 items??? ;-)

Day 13 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

11 June 2011

Day 11: Something Blue

I decided to take a picture of 3 blue things I uses almost daily: my wallet, my can koozie, and my workout watch.
First: my wallet rocks! It's an Initials, Inc wallet, bought from my friend Andy Baker. I absolutely love all their products! (And I own damn near the entire catalog now!)
Second: my koozie says "#1 At EVERYTHING" and I don't let Josh forget that!
Third: my "S2H" watch not only tells me the time and date, but it also logs how much physical activity I get at any given time! After 60 minutes of activity, it gives me a code to log into the website and I get rewards for my physical activity! Totally awesome! It's completely win-win!

Day 11 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (And plugging!)

10 June 2011

Day 10: Childhood Memory

I LOVED watching Fraggle Rock as a child! My sister and I would watch this all the time at my Grandma and Grandpa Fuhrer's house. My G'ma even taped it for us to watch whenever we wanted anytime we were there! (She had cable, we didn't always have cable at home). This show definitely takes me back...and my mom bought me two seasons of it on DVD to watch anytime I want now! :-)

Day 10 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (And it takes me back...)

Fill in the Blank Friday!!!

1. This weekend I'm kicking things off with a little get-together with my boss-lady after work today and later hopefully having a bonfire at our house! (Other plans include doing yard work (weather permitting), visiting the Mother-In-Law at Cleveland Clinic (definitely), maybe attending a Stag-N-Drag, and maybe going to a Barn Party! We will see how it all pans out...)

2. My last vacation was Hawaii. It was a honeymoon/vacation to visit my sissy. It was so much fun, so nice, so...everything! I love Hawaii! :-)

3. My next vacation will be at the end of this month! Josh and I are going to OBX. I CANNOT flippin' wait to have an entire week alone with my hubby, doing whatever we want!!

4. My favorite way to relax is on a beach or by a pool, with Josh and a few good friends near by, chilled beverage in hand, soaking up the sun. Preferably with a grill nearby for some BBQ!

5. When vacationing one should always have plenty of "down time". Have plenty of time to relax, to enjoy the peacefulness, to just do absolutely nothing! That's what vacations are for!

6. When vacationing one should never plan out every minute of every day. It's never going to happen that way anyhow, so just go with the flow! Make a few real plans, but let the rest just happen as it will! :-)

7. The best part about a vacation is the relaxation, the ability to do nothing and feel alright about that, and the rejuvenation you feel when you return home at the end!

09 June 2011

Day 9: Someone You Love

This is my wonderful best friend AND husband, Josh! Kinda a corny smile, but he is my everything! :-) I definitely love him more than anything in the world!

Day 9 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete! (And totally easy!)

08 June 2011

Day 8: A Bad Habit

That's only part of my shoe "collection". There are many MANY more in boxes below that rack, more still at my mom's house (slowly making their way to my house as I need them...), and more in my car. I love shoes. I buy shoes a lot. A lot more than I should. But...I am a woman...sue me. ;-)

Day 8 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

07 June 2011

Day 7: Fruit

'Tis strawberry season, and I could not be happier!

Wait...that is...until it is CHERRY season! :-)

Day 7 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

06 June 2011

Day 6: From a Low Angle

We finally got around to putting up the flag pole we received for a wedding gift, and I wanted to hang up Old Glory. I am more than just a little proud to fly our Nation's Colors on the front of my house! (Those who know me know just why I am so proud of many reasons!)
So, I thought this would be a perfect subject for my low angle picture. I got down in the grass and shot a few pictures...and I think I like this one best! :-)

Day 6 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

05 June 2011

Day 5: From a High Angle

Meet my favorite bubby, Cash! He's a 2 year old Beagle-Basset mix (only 2 for one more day--tomorrow is his BIRTHDAY!!!). He is my little lover boy! :-)
And, to be fair, almost every picture take of him is from a high angle! He is indeed a bit height-challenged. ;-)

Day 5 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

04 June 2011

Day 4: Something Green

Living in the country, I am surrounded by green! And...I LOVE IT! Maple trees are some of my favorites because of their fall colors, and the last picture is looking at my back yard, with two new oak trees finally leafing out!

Day 4 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

03 June 2011

Day 3: Clouds

There weren't too many clouds in the sky today! This was all I got! :-) Looks kinda like a mustache, I think!

Day 3 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge = Complete!

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. I love music because I can't live without it! I love love hearing music all the time, every different kind that there is. I love it because I can always find a song that reflects my mood. There's so much feeling and conviction in song, so much more than just the words, so much to relate to.

2. A time that mama knew best was when she wrote me a letter while I was a senior in high school, telling me that she knew that while I am 18 years old, I still live under her roof, and what she says matters. While she said that cannot control me, she wanted me to know how much I was hurting my family by always picking my boyfriend over them when it came to spending time with them. She told me I was young and in love and had no idea what the important things in life were. And, boy oh boy, was she right. That guy? We grew apart after lots of turmoil. My family is still here, and I am very close to them now. I feel terrible about it all when I look back; I was so disrespectful, selfish, and mean.

3. My first kiss went a little like this: I think my first kiss was with Kyle, who I'd dated off and on from 6th grade through 9th grade, and the kiss happened in the summertime between 8th and 9th grade at a party at Emily's house. I was getting ready to leave because my mother was there to pick me up, Kyle and I had been out for a walk around the yard to talk alone, and we got to the back of the house and I hugged him goodbye. I started to walk away, and he grabbed my arm, pulled me back, and said something along the lines of "I've waited forever to do this, I'm not waiting any longer" and kissed me! I remember it being sweet and weird and right and about-damn-time all at the same time. Then I had to go. :-)

4. My celebrity crush is David Duchovney. I used to watch X-Files faithfully because I was in love with him! Also, I like Heath Ledger and Bradley Cooper and Matt Damon. Mmmmm, Matt Damon..... ;-)

5. My splurge of choice is vacations, date night with the hubby, and good booze and good food. Or shoes. Or handbags. :-)

6. My biggest accomplishment is my marriage to my best friend. We work very hard to make it work for the both of us, both making sacrifices and compromises, both listening to each others wants, needs, desires, and dreams, and working to reach and accomplish them all.

7. My dance jam of choice is "Hey Ya" by OutKast, "Toxic" by Britney Spears, "All the Single Ladies" by Beyonce, "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga, "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice, and "Tic Toc" by Kesha. (Well, I guess almost all Britney makes me wanna dance...hehe!)

01 June 2011

Day 1: Self-Portrait

This isn't nearly the best picture of me, but it is with my fluffy Elin! :-)
Day 1 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge=Complete!

30 Day Photo Challenge

I am taking place in the 30 Day Photography Challenge by White Peach Photography!
I may not post each and every day, but I am taking the pictures daily on "their appointed day" and will get them on here as soon as I can! :-)

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten: Things I would do if I was a stay-at-home wife:

1. Have an immaculate lawn

2. Have spectacular flower and vegetable gardens

3. Have a clean, organized home

4. Read more of my magazines instead of just browsing through them

5. Read more books

6. Make dinner each and every night for my husband and have it waiting for him when he gets home from work

7. Scrapbook all my photos!

8. Knit, and actually finish a project

9. Draw

10. Learn how to can vegetables and fruits, and then fill my cupboards and shelves with canned goods that I canned with my own homegrown veggies and fruits