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03 June 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. I love music because I can't live without it! I love love hearing music all the time, every different kind that there is. I love it because I can always find a song that reflects my mood. There's so much feeling and conviction in song, so much more than just the words, so much to relate to.

2. A time that mama knew best was when she wrote me a letter while I was a senior in high school, telling me that she knew that while I am 18 years old, I still live under her roof, and what she says matters. While she said that cannot control me, she wanted me to know how much I was hurting my family by always picking my boyfriend over them when it came to spending time with them. She told me I was young and in love and had no idea what the important things in life were. And, boy oh boy, was she right. That guy? We grew apart after lots of turmoil. My family is still here, and I am very close to them now. I feel terrible about it all when I look back; I was so disrespectful, selfish, and mean.

3. My first kiss went a little like this: I think my first kiss was with Kyle, who I'd dated off and on from 6th grade through 9th grade, and the kiss happened in the summertime between 8th and 9th grade at a party at Emily's house. I was getting ready to leave because my mother was there to pick me up, Kyle and I had been out for a walk around the yard to talk alone, and we got to the back of the house and I hugged him goodbye. I started to walk away, and he grabbed my arm, pulled me back, and said something along the lines of "I've waited forever to do this, I'm not waiting any longer" and kissed me! I remember it being sweet and weird and right and about-damn-time all at the same time. Then I had to go. :-)

4. My celebrity crush is David Duchovney. I used to watch X-Files faithfully because I was in love with him! Also, I like Heath Ledger and Bradley Cooper and Matt Damon. Mmmmm, Matt Damon..... ;-)

5. My splurge of choice is vacations, date night with the hubby, and good booze and good food. Or shoes. Or handbags. :-)

6. My biggest accomplishment is my marriage to my best friend. We work very hard to make it work for the both of us, both making sacrifices and compromises, both listening to each others wants, needs, desires, and dreams, and working to reach and accomplish them all.

7. My dance jam of choice is "Hey Ya" by OutKast, "Toxic" by Britney Spears, "All the Single Ladies" by Beyonce, "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga, "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice, and "Tic Toc" by Kesha. (Well, I guess almost all Britney makes me wanna dance...hehe!)

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