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24 June 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!!!

1. The last thing I ate was a ham and cheese sandwich on honey oat bread. Josh wasn't home for dinner, and I didn't feel like cooking!

2. The next thing I'd like to eat is a bagel with Nutella. Mmm.

3. The best things are to love and be loved. I live to love my husband, my doggies, my family...and there is nothing like knowing you are loved back by them just as much. :-)

4. Something that makes me supremely and utterly happy is making an amazing meal or dish or dessert, having everyone thoroughly enjoy it to the last drop, and then getting asked for the recipe or my secret to making it. I don't cook all that often, but when I do, it does come out pretty amazing!!

5. Sports are awesome!!! Josh and I both love sports, all sports, any sports! Thank goodness too, because I don't think I could deal with a man who doesn't love to watch football on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, or who cannot stand the thought of watching soccer or the Olympics when they are on TV here (no cable or satellite, so it's hit and miss...). Anything sports (almost) and I will watch it! And if possible I will actually participate in the sport too! (Love pick-up games or going out for a day of hunting or fishing or kayaking...or evening of spotting so my hunny can bring home a big buck!) Sports...EFF YEA!!!!

6. I miss simplicity. Summers hanging out with friends with no real work scheduled. My hubby...we don't get enough "alone time"...things are too busy anymore.

7. Right now I am looking forward to leaving tomorrow for our vacation in the OBX!!!! I cannot wait for some alone time with the hubby, and some beach time!!! I just cannot wait for an adventure! :-)

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