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13 May 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. If I had to use 3 words to describe why I am undoubtedly a Brown they would be hard-working, slightly OCD, fiercely-loyal.

2. Something that happened to me in life that initially seemed bad but turned out to be good was my health scare that made me move back home for a time. I was going to leave again, get out of this small town, but I reconnected with Josh (we knew each other in high school but never were friends or hung out) through mutual friends, and began dating. We both knew it was going to last, and I ended my search for anything else. I found my best friend, my rock, the love of my life...all because I had to move home for a little while. :-)

3. Something I inherited from my mom is my ability to forgive, let go, and just love. Unconditional love. And determination.

4. Something I inherited from my dad is my temper, my neurotic tendencies, my slightly OCD tendencies, my restlessness, and a good work ethic.

5. My goal for this summer is to keep up with mowing the yard, keep up with weeding my gardens, grow a fantastic vegetable garden with lots of produce, and learn how to can all the wonderful veggies we take out of the garden!

6. The best thing about this week is that Friday finally came? I don't know. I am trying to find the silver lining, but it's eluding me now...The week began with the horrible news of a young man's life cut far too short, a guy who was just sweet and kind and fun to be around, and then the viewings and service...too much sadness and wondering why. is Margarita and Mary Kay night at Andy's house! I am looking forward to the fun!

7. Something I couldn't give up if I tried is sex, music, my Blackberry, and writing. :-)

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