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06 May 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1. What I love most about my home is, so this is what we are doing today? Fighting?? I hate the home I am in now because it's falling apart! And I am PATIENTLY waiting for our new house to be completed! But, if I did have to pick, I'd say JOSH! I love having a home with him and our fuzzy children. I love the pellet stove, and my TV.

2. I'm excited because I get to leave work early on this wonderful Friday!!

3. My preferred method for blowing off steam when I'm frustrated is going for a walk or to the gym with my co-worker/friend Andy and venting. Or rollerblading. Then going home and venting a tad more, but Josh usually doesn't get the brunt of it!

4. Currently I am craving some quality time on a warm, sunny beach with my husband and a margarita!

5. The thing I love most about my mom is everything! She did such an awesome job as a mother raising her two daughters. She made us breakfast every single day, even if she wasn't feeling well. She packed my lunch every single day. She was at every single sporting event of my school career, rain or shine or sleet or snow. She didn't let me stay out all night or go to the mall all day. Somehow, she put up with me with the patience of a Saint when I was a devil child with a snake's tongue. I love her more than I can ever let her know, and I owe her such a huge debt of gratitude!!! :-)

6. If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be Come Along for the Ride...Destination Unknown. (Andy suggests Run Like Hell...haha!)

7. If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be pickles and cheese. Don't judge. Yum!

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