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04 May 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1.  My bedtime routine includes putting all the dogs out "to go potty" and then putting them to bed in their crates, taking my vitamins with a large glass of water, washing my face, taking out contacts, brushing my teeth and flossing, climbing into bed with Josh and the spoiled dog Cash, watching the evening news while checking up on Facebook, kissing Josh goodnight, and finally situating myself amongst my nest of 12 pillows. :)

2.   I am feeling fat and panicked! My status is "watermelon" right now (the size of Baby J in the womb), and my house is a disaster area. I'm in the midst of cleaning and organizing everything and trying to find everything a place. If only that stupid house had been done in time...sigh. 

3.  I can't stand liars because I think everyone deserves the truth all of the time, no matter what. Sooner or later the truth will come out anyhow, so it's best to say it from the start. 

4. My idea of relaxation would be a soak in a hot tub, followed by an hour-long massage, manicure and pedicure with a glass of wine, and a nap on a hammock in the shade on a sunny day. OR sitting on a beach chair on a white-sand beach with my toes in the water and a bottomless fruity drink in my hand. 

5. If I had an extra $50, I would buy something we still need for Baby J. Or a bottle of nice wine. Depends on what store I'm closer to. :)

6. The best thing about a bloggy friend is hmm...the fact that I'm writing my life on here, no holds barred, the best and the worst, and someone out there knows exactly how I'm feeling and what I'm going through, and doesn't judge me like some of my real-life "friends" do. 

7.  A recipe I've been dying to try is Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries. I have a Girl's Night that I am planning to attend on Friday this is definitely a good opportunity to try out this recipe! I'd have to double it, of course...Josh would absolutely love them!! :)

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