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27 March 2012

Busy Weekend

This past weekend was a busy one in the Fiske household, and it certainly took a toll on my pregnant body!

Saturday we woke up early (early for me anyhow) and went to Erie to register for our baby shower. My mom and sister met us there to give us a few more eyes to check everything off of our list. I was armed with a book and a list from all my Facebook friends of what you absolutely must have as a parent in the first months. We went first to Burlington Coat Factory and spent a lot of time there, but at least it wasn't crowded because we got there right when they opened. I had a battle with the scanning gun ("you need to tilt it and angle it until it scans" grr) but we registered for most of our furniture there, as well as a few other odds and ends. We found a stroller there that I absolutely LOVE as well! :)

Next we went to Target. My mom went home, so Kelly tagged along with us. Target was probably the worst place of the 3 we went to. It was hot, my feet immediately started swelling in my sneakers, and my fingers were swelling around my wedding bands. I was sweating, and got immediately irritated with EVERYTHING. The first thing I wanted to scan would NOT scan. Then a guy was going to put things back on the shelf where I was standing messing with the gun, so I moved out of the way to let him in, and he said no no it's ok I'll wait, and then stood and watched me! I dropped the item and went to another row. CREEP. Then Josh and Kelly both asked me questions at the same time while another person was trying to push their way around me, and I snapped. It was a brief, pretty quiet, more fire-in-my-eyes snap, and then it was over. However, there were FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE around in all those baby rows than was absolutely necessary at noon on a Saturday. So we hurried around, scanned this and that, then left. I was happy to get out into the fresh air, even though it was raining. It felt good.

We walked next door to Babies R Us and started our final registry there. At least the store was cooler and there weren't as many people there. We made our way around the store, finishing up with scanning lots and lots of the cute clothes for summertime. That was fun! So many cute outfits! :) We probably spent the least amount of time in that store...we pretty much knew what we had registered for already, and what we still needed, so we were on more of a mission there (until the end with the outfits, hehe).

All in all we spent 4 hours in 3 stores registering. I consider that a success! We then went to TGIFriday's for some lunch, and watched Peach Street out the window with the endless traffic that seemed to be going nowhere. A little rain brings out all the crazies to go shopping, I guess. We made it out alive though, and got Kelly home in time to change and run back out the door for work, hopefully only a little late instead of really late. :/

I got home and was completely worthless after our excursion. I took my shoes off and put my feet up on the couch and did not move. Josh came in late from working on the house, sat down, and rubbed my feet for me and took off my compression socks (I can no longer do this easily myself!). And I fell asleep. :)

Sunday morning my mother came out to the house to help me clean up my flower gardens. I don't have very many right now, but the 3 I do have have not been cleaned out well in over a year (I cleaned them one fall, but not last year at all). I wanted it done now so I can mulch them and hopefully they will stay nice for a while and I won't have to worry about it when I am ALL belly in another month or two! We got the beds cleaned out, picked up sticks in the yard (since mowing will happen here very shortly **sigh**) and moved a pile of chopped wood to the fire pit area. I then gave my mom a tour of the barn/new home, because she'd never seen it before. It's getting closer to being a home, and I cannot wait!!! I have so many ideas!! :)

After all the bending and standing and pulling and digging, I was spent once again. So I went inside when my mom left and put my feet up again, and did not move from the couch again that afternoon. I slept off and on, went through some mail, and dozed some more. Despite all the sleep I did over the weekend, I still think that overall it was very successful and we accomplished a lot over the 2 days! But thank goodness for my Mama, because I would have given up on the flower beds after a half hour if she hadn't been there to help me out! :)

So now I need some mulch for the flower beds to keep the weeds at bay. And a working lawnmower, because spring is here and the grass won't cut itself this year, no matter how much I wish it would.

Taking applications for lawn boy for this summer. ;)

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