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20 April 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. Today is a great day because, I got to see my Baby Boy's heartbeat and face again today. :)

2. Tomorrow I will bake 8 dozen cupcakes, frost 8 dozen cupcakes and 10 dozen cookies. I shouldn't procrastinate like I do.

3. My favorite time of day is late afternoon and early evening. I get out of work and go home and play with my dogs outside and prepare dinner and get to spend some QT with my hubby.

4. Sometimes you just have to Let Go and Let God.

5. A song that I just can't get enough of lately is "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Not entirely by choice, but I've been hearing it daily, sometimes twice a day, on the radio...and it has a lot of meaning to me, Josh, and all of our close friends. Such a good song, such a good message, so much feeling and emotion.

6. My favorite accessory is my engagement and wedding bands. Aside from that? A huge mother-of-pearl ring I wear on my right middle finger. Love it.

7. My favorite thing about this week was spending so many evenings with Josh. This is double edged: it means he didn't get much work done on the house at all. We had a great dinner on Monday at Texas Roadhouse with Brenda and Dave (love me some good steak and good company!), and a Dogs and Babies class on Tuesday night, then last night we spent a lot of the evening outside playing with our dogs until it was dark and time for dinner, and tonight we are going grocery shopping and to a bar for Chad's birthday celebration...but the house still sits, unfinished...sigh. I'm looking at #4 above... :)

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