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23 July 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. One of my happiest moments ever was my wedding day. Nothing that day could have gone wrong that day, because I knew at the end of the day I would be married to my best friend, starting my life with him...sigh. It was the best!!!

2. Summer is wedding season and weddings are enchanting! I look at the two getting married and hope that they have at least half the happiness in their hearts that I feel for my husband, and that I know he feels for me...and that they make the effort to beat the divorce odds out there!!!

3. This summer has been all over the place weather-wise! It started out rainy and crappy so much of the time, and has become a part of this infamous "heat wave that's gripping the nation". I prefer somewhere in between...I like to get a workout in, but being outside sucks when it's rainy all day AND when it's 90+ degrees outside!

4. My summer food of choice has been iced tea? I know that's not a food, I can't say that I've had a food of choice so far...maybe yogurt? I DO know that I've been sucking down iced tea like it is going out of style, though!!

5. My summer uniform has been shorts, cut-offs, and sneakers for working out, and going out it's been shorts, tank tops, and flip flops (occasionally a sundress thrown in there when it's fitting ;-)).

6. If I could spend the entire summer in one location I would choose the Outer Banks. Loved it there!!! I could spend my summer on a beach every single year. I love the fresh seafood there, the beaches, the little shops, and the breeze coming off the ocean. LOVE IT!!!

7. My summer anthem is Sublime's self-titled album playing on repeat in my Jeep with the windows down and bass turned up. Always has been since I have been able to drive, always will be summertime in my ride!!! This year also brings Zac Brown Band's "Knee Deep" and Jason Aldean's "Dirt Road Anthem" to my speakers a lot... :-)

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