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08 July 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!!!

1. My plans this summer include doing anything I want to for the summer! I am hoping to get my yard under control, get my gardens finished up, and working out as much as possible! I hope to explore the Presque Isle Peninsula in its entirety, hang out with my sister, keep my mocha-licious tan going, and have numerous dates with my hubby doing lots of fun things! I am not worried about finding a "big-girl" job until I enjoy every last moment of this summer!! And, hopefully another vacation is in order...even if just a mini-vakay for a long weekend!!

2. The best summer I ever had was ... this is a tough one. I'd have to say any summer that I've spent with Josh. They have all been full of excitement and adventure with my best friend! Maybe our first summer was kinda ridiculous!!! And so carefree...sigh. :-)

3. Summer is sunshine, campfires, loud music out of a pick-up truck sitting around the fire with a bunch of friends, cold beer, smores, hotdogs and hamburgers, grilling out for every meal possible, sunsets, shorts and tank tops, sundresses, corn-on-the-cob, and popsicles!!!

4. My favorite summer food is peas right off the stalk, macaroni salad, cheeseburger with fresh relish, and corn-on-the-cob. Mmm.

5. The best way to quench a summer thirst is with fresh, homemade sangria. Or Lynchburg Lemonade. Or Jeremiah Weed. Or some sun tea right off my porch into a chilled glass...mmm.

6. My summer uniform consists of shorts and cut-off T-shirts for daily use (working out, working in the yard, hanging out in the house), shorts or skirts and fun tank-tops, or sundresses for going out and having fun! (Always with a hoodie of some sort around for when it gets too chilly, of course!)

7. The best thing about summer is sitting around a fire without a care in the world for a few hours. Laying in the yard looking up at all the stars, watching for shooting stars, holding the hand of the one you love. Catching fireflies. Basking in the sunshine. Watching life thrive outside...we only get to enjoy that for a few months up north here!!! :-)

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