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15 April 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday


1. My favorite daily responsibility is kissing Josh goodnight. :-)


2. My least favorite daily responsibility is doing the dishes. It's my job since Josh makes dinner almost every I do know the trade-off here, but still. Dishes are always there!!! It's a never-ending task!


3. My favorite cuisine to eat when going out is American or Italian. I love comfort foods, and good steaks!!


4. My favorite cuisine to prepare at home is any baked goods. As I mentioned before, Josh does most of the dinner cooking in our house. My grandmother taught me how to bake, and I like to think I do a pretty damn good job with any and all baked goods, when I actually get around to making anything! I also am pretty good with the whole crock pot cooking deal. But really, who isn't? ;-)


5. Andy Warhol said that everyone is famous for 15 minutes. My claim to fame is probably more of a claim to INFAMY... Oh well... My claim to FAME is yet to be...


6. If I could have 3 wishes I would wish for the cure to cancer and for it to be readily available all those who need the help, the end to worldwide strife and hunger, and to be able to travel more often to more places around the world.


7. My biggest pet peeve is hypocrits. People who point fingers without realizing that three fingers are pointing right back at them. Children having children. And, chewing with your mouth open.

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