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19 August 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My idea of pure perfection would be fresh flowers on my table every day, rainy evenings, sunny days, and no more sickness/cancer/illness afflicting the world.

2. Hope makes the world go 'round.

3. If it weren't for bills that need paid every time I turn around, I'd be content to be a stay-at-home wifey (and someday mother).

4. Bloggers are totally awesome. Creativity galore!!

5. If I had a paycheck I'd buy you something shiny and new.

6. I'm glad it's Friday because well, what's not to like about a Friday?? :)

7. Something I'm excited about is the upcoming fall season! I love fairs, and concerts, and truck pulls, and sausage sandwiches, and fries, and fried everything, and the animals, and cowboy boots and jeans, and the cooler weather, and football starts, and pumpkins, and my birthday! and fall colors...YAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Fresh flowers are perfection, I agree! I too am looking forward to fall, although Texas mostly has "summer" and "not summer."

    Just stopping by from Fill in the Blank Friday!
