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12 December 2012

Productivity showed her face!

What a productive day here! I'm so thankful for Jett growing up happy and healthy and so inquisitive and curious and eager to learn! He's such a little morning person, which I definitely am NOT. However, I am quickly learning to grasp his happiness and turn it into productiveness on my end! He loves to sit in his exersaucer now and play with his toys for up to half an hour at a time with no outside interaction...and that makes for a happy and productive mama!

Today I finally finished up our family Christmas stockings. My mother had a pattern and cut them out for me, Josh and I came up with a design, I found some templates and felt and cut it all out. Over the course of maybe two weeks, I hand-stitched the cut-outs onto the stockings and gave them back to my mother for assembly and attaching the cuffs and hanging loops. I got them back last weekend, and yesterday sewed on some holly leaves and red button "berries". Today was the finishing touches: iron-on names outlined with gold glitter puffy paint. If I do say so myself, they are kinda awesome! I absolutely love how they turned out! :)

Other than that, I also got some cleaning done, ordered my final Christmas presents (shopping is DONE!), read through a magazine (in its entirety!), and got dinner started! (Dinner duty is shared around here...and Josh often does it much better than I!) As I was finishing up dinner, with Jett watching me in his Bumbo chair and "talking" up a storm, I also got breakfast omelet muffins made for Josh for the next 5 work days. They look and smell awesome! My new favorite thing: muffin tin recipes. So easy and practical to make!

It's not everyday around here that I get to feel accomplished and go to bed feeling on top of I'm enjoying this feeling for a minute. A relaxing minute while every other living being in this house is soundly asleep. :)

Here's to tomorrow...and hoping it's as nice a day as today was!

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