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25 March 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!!

1. My most prized possession is a tie between 3 different things: my wedding/engagement ring combo (Josh did an excellent job picking them out!), my gorgeous leather-bound wedding album by Heather Neckers Photography(a perfect capture of the best day of my life thus far), and my laptop computer, which has all my pictures, contacts, and important files on it.

2. If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be 27. It's only one year younger than were I am now, but it's the age I was when I got married to the best man I know! :-) I also grew much closer to my mother in that year leading up to the wedding. I really do cherish the relationship we have grown into! I do not want to go back to school--neither high school nor college--I am so over those times; my 28th birthday wasn't so bad, nor the vacation in Hawaii in the following 12 days, but I guess 27 seemed awesome!! :-)

3. The best way to spend a weekend is a Friday night in the house--a good steak dinner prepared by Josh with some wine or margaritas and a few movies, a Saturday up early to accomplish some things around the house or yard followed by an afternoon/evening out doing something fun (like a trip to Presque Isle followed by dinner out at a nice restaurant and meeting up with friends later on, probably listening to/watching one of our friend's bands playing somewhere), and Sunday morning waking up early to a delicious breakfast (again made by my hubby!), doing laundry or gardening, watching NASCAR/NFL depending on the season, playing with the dogs, and wrapping it all up watching Fox cartoons at night!

4. My outlook on life is optimistic. This may seem funny to some, but it's true. In the past year or so, I have realized and learned so many new things, have been affected by so many people and events, and have learned so much from it all. I try to find the beauty in everything, I try to take a breath and step back before becoming angry or before I snap. I am so much more slow to anger, I try not to judge, and I am humble like I have never been. I have seen more and more proof that life is too damn short to waste any time angry or unhappy or sad or disgruntled. Of course, these things sneak into our lives from time to time despite our best efforts, but we need to get over them quickly and without holding grudges. Forgive quickly, love intensely, love unconditionally, live life wholly and without regret. We have one chance at this...we may not always get everything right, but we are given so many shine!!!

5. If you want to annoy me, chew with your mouth open, snap your gum, speak with improper English (I WILL correct you), misspell words (I will find the flaws faster than you would believe), or talk down to me / treat me with disrespect (you will get the same from me).

6. I am completely defenseless when it comes to Cash, my beagle/basset doggy. He is my "Oogie Bear", my Cuddle Bug. In my eyes, he can do no wrong! He's my privileged one. He sleeps in the bed almost every night and on my lap on the couch when the others are not allowed up. The only thing he doesn't get more often is treats--he has a figure to maintain!! I love all our pups, but Cashy....I just love that dog... :-)

7. When dressing for the day one should look in the mirror and acknowledge your age and your flaws...seriously, some of you should not be wearing what you are wearing. We are all graced with different shapes and sizes, and, contrary to what some of you all believe, there are clothes out there made to fit and flatter all of our various shapes and sizes. If in doubt, ask someone who will be honest with you!

To play along each week check out The Little Things We Do…

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I LOVE that your album is in the running for most prized possession, that makes me happy to hear :)

    Keep on bloggin' girl! Its hard at first because it seems like no one is reading, but keep it up, people will often read but not leave comments.
